
Property and Leasing Disputes

New Chapter Legal has a strong disputes and litigation team with a breadth of experience in driving a favourable outcome, secured recovery and enforcement.

Property and Leasing Disputes

Real estate may likely be one of the highest value assets a person can buy and sell on the open market, and for many Australians it represents a sense of family identity and history. It is no wonder that real estate is highly regulated and often the subject of disputes. Whether its nasty neighbours, boundary disputes, disputes with estate agents, or disputes among property co-owners, we have seen it all.

For those lucky enough to own an investment property or commercial real estate, property is also a source of income and an asset class that requires careful management. We understand how important it is to properly manage such assets, commercially and legally.

We provide advice and representation for tenants, landlords, agents, buyers, sellers and body corporate in regard to all property matters and disputes, which may involve:

  • Equitable interest claims.
  • Adverse possession claims.
  • Disputes arising from contracts of sale of land.
  • Property damage and nuisance claims.
  • Caveat disputes.
  • Termination of commercial leases, including breach notices and lockout.
  • Recovery of rental arrears and outgoings.
  • Advise on and compliance with landlords’ and tenants’ rights and obligations under a lease and under the Retail Leases Act.
  • The negotiations of disputes arising pursuant to lease agreements, and their resolution through the Victorian Small Business Commissioner.

Our professional approach to dispute resolution will ensure relationships are maintained wherever possible, and all aspects of the matter dealt with reasonably to reach a commercially appropriate outcome for each stakeholder.

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