Real Estate Agents

Real Estate

New Chapter legal is the go-to law firm for real estate agencies. We have developed a practice area specifically tailored to real estate agencies and their specific needs which are uniquely different to other businesses.

Real Estate Agencies

New Chapter Legal is the go-to law firm for Real Estate Agencies.

New Chapter Legal has a host of clients within the Real Estate industry. This exposure in a variety of contexts over the years has ensured that the legal team at New Chapter Legal has had extensive understanding of the inner workings of the Real Estate industry. Real Estate Agency needs are unique and growth, retention and building strong client bases are at the core. Our focus is on delivering sharp, efficient and strategic solutions to the unique spectrum of issues faced in the real estate sphere of business.

We assist Real Estate Agents with all aspects of their businesses including but not limited to the following:

  • Establishing the appropriate corporate structures. Being a unique industry with different arms to its business in terms of property management and sales, we suggest you discuss your structure with us to ensure that you maximize the ways by which you can minimize tax, take advantage of any capital gains tax discounts and concessions, provide a level of asset protection as well as have an appropriate mechanism for the introduction of partners in the future.
  • Franchising: we assist both franchisors and franchisees during the negotiation process.
  • Partnership agreements
  • Purchasing and selling rent rolls
  • Recovering commissions and marketing fees
  • Employee restraint enforcement
  • Disciplinary action with Consumer Affairs

All discussions are confidential. If you would like to discuss your plans for the future or how we can help, don’t hesitate to call us.

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