
Debt Recovery

New Chapter Legal has a strong disputes and litigation team with a breadth of experience in driving a favourable outcome, secured recovery and enforcement.

Debt Recovery

Monetary debts are an unavoidable part of doing business and may significantly affect cash flow, with a knock-on effect to your operating viability. While a debt may be recoverable, there are circumstances where throwing good money after bad is impractical. Our approach to debt recovery is cost effective, commercially sensible and we work with you to minimise future risks of bad debt.

We can also assist you if you have been sued for a debt, whether you want to defend such a claim or simply manage the dispute to achieve a workable settlement with the claiming party.

Our expertise extends beyond simple debt recovery, and we can assist you with:

  • Debtor location and skip tracing.
  • Settling matters by way of alternative dispute resolution.
  • Obtaining and enforcing judgement orders.
  • Bankruptcy.
  • Urgent injunction applications where there is a risk of asset dissipation.
  • Drafting trade terms and strategic advice on internal credit policy to minimise the need to recover the debt formally.
  • Advise you on the protection of your security interests under the Personal Properties Security Act.

We will work with you to protect your business interests by way of well-drafted trade terms, credit arrangements and contractual agreements with your customers, ensuring you are properly secured and any last-resort recovery action taken is simpler and has a higher chance of success.

We have proven experience recovering debts and defending debt claims within a range of industries. Our lawyers employ an effective approach to debt claims, together with our internal streamlined processes, ensuring that we can obtain results for you in the most efficient manner possible. We are a law firm and not a debt collection agency, and we litigate if our letter of demand does not result in payment.

We’re here to help,
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