For all your legal needs.


At New Chapter Legal we strive for efficient and cost effective results.

Download our instruction sheets

We have developed a number of instruction sheets in order to ensure that we can assist you on an efficient and cost-effective basis. Our instruction sheets are targeted towards obtaining all the information we need to best advise and assist you. Client feedback has revealed time and time again that it is much easier to discuss your needs when you have paperwork in front of you in black and white.

Purchase of Property

Congratulations! Whether for investment, development or residential purposes; this is an exciting time. This instruction sheet outlines all the information we need to facilitate a smooth settlement and provide you with accurate advice on the contract of sale before you sign on the dotted line.

Sale of Property
(Vendor Statement)

You have decided to sell, you have engaged an agent that your trust, now you need to prepare your proposed contract of sale and vendor statement. This is where we come into play. This instruction sheet outlines all the information we need to prepare your vendor statement and contract of sale.

Transfer of Property

At times it may be recommended that you transfer your property, to a loved one, a new corporate entity or into trust. These transactions can be complex and may have taxation ramifications that accompany them. This instruction sheet outlines all the information we need to not only assist in the transfer but also accurately advise you on the legal consequences to the transfer.

Will and Enduring Power of Attorney, Appointment of Medical Treatment

Often estate planning is the last thing on your mind and because we appreciate how easy it is for this aspect of your planning to fall through the cracks, we have prepared this instruction sheet to outline all of the information needed to prepare draft documents as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Family Law

Family law is a complex area that involves many a moving part. In order to ensure that you are properly and holistically advised during a highly emotional time, whether preparing for the worst or whether already in the midst of a separation, we have prepared this instruction sheet to obtain all of the crucial pieces of information that will play a role in determining the outcome of your matter. This way straight from the moment we are engaged, we can focus on your needs and views; not only the black and white position.

Leasing of Property

A lease is an agreement between a landlord and a tenant which grants the tenant exclusive rights to occupy a premises owned by the landlord. Unlike residential leases, commercial and retail leases are not just about occupying a building space, they are customised to each situation.  This instruction sheet outlines the basic information we need to commence drafting the Lease on behalf of the landlord.