
Retail and Commercial Leasing

New Chapter Legal offers a wide and comprehensive range of services in the property law sphere.

Retail and Commercial Leasing

A lease is an agreement between a landlord and a tenant which grants the tenant exclusive rights to occupy a premises owned by the landlord. Unlike residential leases, commercial and retail leases are not just about occupying a building space, they are customised to each situation which means that mistakes could have significant impacts on your business.

Our client base is varied, ranging from tenants and landlords with large commercial portfolios to small business owners. This means that we not only offer extensive expertise but we tailor our advice to suit your needs by offering fixed fee services in certain circumstances (so you have one less thing to think about!).

We provide expert advice and assistance in all aspects of leasing to both landlords and tenants, our expertise includes:

  • Advising on new leases including reviewing and drafting new leases
  • Reviewing and drafting disclosure statements
  • Lease negotiations and disputes
  • Variations to, surrender or assignments of leases
  • Drafting and reviewing sub-lease agreements
  • Breaches of lease and lease disputes
  • Rent determination

Retail Leases

Determining whether a lease is a retail lease requires reference to the Retail Leases Act. Retail leases imposes obligations of disclosure and a number of other rights and responsibilities on both parties which you need to be aware of when entering into a retail lease. If you would like advice on what your rights and obligations are under the Retail Leases Act or whether it applies to you, contact our team of experienced commercial lawyers.

Business or Commercial Leases

Business Leases that are not covered by the Retail Leases Act are generally referred to as Business or Commercial Leases. Whether you are the landlord or tenant, it is imperative to ensure that all necessary considerations are addressed prior to entering a Commercial Lease including what will happen if there is default, what constitutes a default, how the lease ends and what happens after a lease has ended. Our commercial lawyers are experienced in drafting commercial leases as well as advising tenants on their rights and responsibilities under a lease.

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